Welcome to WRWSS.org

Wolf Run Wildlife and Spiritual Sanctuary
Spiritual Center and Wildlife Refuge...

Each year Wolf Run hosts a variety of events and gatherings to celebrate the seasons, be closer to nature, or just plain have fun with other like-minded people. From our Annual Earth Day Road Cleanup and Planting day, to our Harvest Festival and Psychic Fair, people gather from all over the country to join in the festivities.

In addition to its own events, Wolf Run also is available for private retreats, weddings, handfastings, or family outings. Many find its country setting that includes nature trails, ritual spaces and meditation gardens to be a warm and welcoming space.

Would your group or organization like to have an event here at Wolf Run?

Please contact us if you would like more information about arranging a time for your group to come out.

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Schedule of events

Provided by Google (Click HERE to open schedule in a new window)
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